For information on how to use the APIs, visit the Recorded Future API Documentation.
An active API subscription and a valid API token are required to make live, real-time API requests.
API | Description |
Collective Insights API | API for sending data to the Recorded Future Intelligence Cloud. |
Connect API | API providing intelligence about many types of risk indicators, as well as tools for managing legacy alerts and Fusion flows and files. |
Detection Rule API | API to search for and download detection rules used to hunt for malwares. Sigma, Yara and Snort rules are available. |
Detection Rule Relation API | API to fetch entities and types associated with detection rules. |
Entity Match API | API to find the ID of any entity, and to lookup an entity given its ID. |
Identity API | API to lookup identity leaks data. |
Links API | API to retrieve verified links between entities. |
List API | API for reading and writing custom entity lists. |
Playbook Alert API | API for Recorded Future Playbook Alerts. |
Threat API | API to retrieve threat maps and search threat actors. |
Analyst Note API | API to publish, edit, retrieve or delete Analyst Notes. |
Risk History API | API to retrieve risk history data of risk scored entities |
Fusion API | API to manage Fusion flows, files and custom blocks |